Tuesday, May 20, 2008

First Trip to the City (without Spanish help!!!)

Addition from earlier that I didn't have time for before.... some more from my first couple days here!!!

Rota is the small town located right by the base. Its a 20 minute walk from the gates to the beach there. While there hasn't really been free time to actually go to the beach, Erin and I did walk around for awhile, here are some pictures that resulted...

These are just some pictures of the beach down in Rota, the next few are just cool things or buildings around town...

The last one is a picture of the first place that we manged to order without the help of someone from here. We managed to order, and get exactly what we wanted!!!!

That is all I have for now. Work starts at 10am tomorrw, so hopefully everything goes well! Wish me luck!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck! Can't wait to hear what type of schedule they may have you on. Love you Boo, dad